The rector of the International Institute of Social Studies requests the pleasure of your company
at the Public Defence of the PhD thesis
A Development Lens to Resource-Constrained Innovation: Exploring frugality in medical device manufacturing in South Africa
Professor Karin Arts
by Ms Sanghamitra Chakravarty
Doctoral dissertation supervisors
Professor Peter Knorringa
Professor Cees van Beers, Delft University of Technology
Dr Georgina Gomez
Members of the Full Doctoral Committee
Professor Judith Sutz, University of the Republic Uruguay Dr Glenda Kruss, Human Sciences Research Council Professor Erika Kraemer-Mbula, University of Johannesburg Dr Henny Romijn, Eindhoven University of Technology Professor Arjun Bedi
Dr Oane Visser
The Public Defence will take place on Friday, 4 November 2022 in the ISS auditorium (Aula B) and the ceremony will begin promptly at 15.00 hrs. The doors will be closed at the start of the Public Defence.
Children below the age of 7 are not allowed in the auditorium during the first part of the ceremony.
The ceremony will be followed by a reception in the Atrium of the ISS.
Professors are invited to join the academic procession.
This Public Defence may broadcast on ISS livestream. If so, you will be able to watch the Public Defence live at