Publication CFIA's first #GoFrugal Bulletin

We are proud to present herewith our very first #GoFrugal bulletin. This bulletin offers an insight in the CFIA activities of the academic year 2019-2020. As you will read, we are involved in a range of activities related to research, teaching and knowledge utilisation. While our Centre will continue to focus on Africa, a recent development is that we will be devoting more attention to frugal innovations in countries elsewhere in the Global South, and in places closer to ‘home’ for the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities, encompassing Europe, the Netherlands and the province of South Holland. We really hope you will find this first bulletin inspirational, and please do send us feedback or reach out to join our network!

CFIA GoFrugal Bulletin #1, 2019-2020
Click to read the e-zine version of CFIA's first #GoFrugal Bulletin


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CFIA #GoFrugal Bulletin Academic Year 2019-2020 (59.86 MB)