Announcement: Dr. Erwin van Tuijl to Present at GUCP Annual Research Conference in Leipzig, 2023

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Erwin van Tuijl will be participating in the GUCP Annual Research Conference in Leipzig, 2023. The conference, themed "The Transformed Central City: Surviving or Thriving after COVID," is organized by the Global Urban Competitiveness Project (GUCP). This ongoing research project is dedicated to the scholarly study of urban competitiveness and its application in strategic urban, national, and international planning.

Urban competitiveness involves a city's ability to provide jobs, income, cultural and recreational amenities, social cohesion, governance, and a favorable urban environment compared to other cities. The GUCP focuses on crucial urban economy issues such as economies of agglomeration, activity clustering, regional innovation systems, and the impacts of trade liberalization, technological changes, effective governance, and global inter-urban networks.

Dr. Erwin van Tuijl, a distinguished member of GUCP, will present his research titled "Inclusive Cities and Energy Transitions: Insights from the Post-Industrial City of Rotterdam." His presentation will delve into the role of inclusivity in urban energy transitions, offering valuable insights from Rotterdam's experience.

Join us in Leipzig to engage with Dr. van Tuijl's work and other pioneering research that addresses the future of urban competitiveness in a post-COVID world.

We look forward to your participation in what promises to be a thought-provoking and impactful event.