Announcement: Dr. Erwin van Tuijl at the Regional Studies Association Annual Conference

Invisible Hands in Regional Energy Transitions: A Comparative Study of Installers in Two Post-Industrial Cities

Dr. Erwin van Tuijl is set to present at the Regional Studies Association Annual Conference, taking place in Florence on June 14, 2024. His presentation, titled "Invisible Hands in Regional Energy Transitions: A Comparative Study of Installers in Two Post-Industrial Cities," will delve into the pivotal role of installers in the evolving landscape of urban energy systems.

Event Details:
- Title: Invisible Hands in Regional Energy Transitions: A Comparative Study of Installers in Two Post-Industrial Cities
- Date: June 14, 2024
- Location: Regional Studies Association Annual Conference, Florence


Presentation Topics:

  1. Theoretical Relevance:
    - Smart Cities and Platform Urbanism: Examining how platform capitalism influences smart cities, drawing on works by Pasquale (2016), Barns (2019), Sadowski (2020), Caproitti et al. (2022), and Cirolia et al. (2023).
    - Platform as Governance Tool: Insights from Haveri & Anttiroiko et al. (2021) and Mello Rose (2022) on how platforms function as governance mechanisms.
    - Digital Inclusion or Exclusion?: Addressing the challenges of digital inclusion and exclusion in urban settings as discussed by Anttiroiko & de Jong (2020).

  2. Installers: The Missing Middle (Wo)man:
    - Role as Intermediaries: Installers as critical intermediaries between technology providers and end-users.
    - New Roles in Retrofitting and Smart Cities: The evolving responsibilities of installers in the context of smart cities and energy retrofitting.

  3. Introduction of Installers, Their Role, and Challenges:
    - Transition Mechanisms: Identifying mechanisms for energy transitions through the lens of installers.
    - Policy and Management Recommendations: Providing recommendations for policies and management strategies to support installers.
    - Qualitative Case Studies: Presenting qualitative case studies from Gothenburg and Rotterdam to illustrate the challenges and opportunities faced by installers.


Join us and
- Gain insights into the crucial role of installers in the post-industrial city.
- Engage in discussions on climate change, energy transition, and digital exclusion.
- Connect with experts, policymakers, and practitioners in the field of urban governance and sustainability.

Join Dr. Erwin van Tuijl in Florence for an engaging presentation that will shed light on the essential, yet invisible, contributors to our urban energy systems. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain fresh perspectives and contribute to the conversation on regional energy transitions.

Email for further details and registration information!