Asrat Mulat Asegie holds a master's degree in Rural Development Management from Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia, and a bachelor's degree in Rural Development from Debre Markos University, Ethiopia, awarded in 2019 and 2011, respectively. Since October 2014, he has held graduate assistant and lecturer positions at Wollo University, Ethiopia. Besides teaching, Asrat has served as the principal investigator on various research projects funded by Wollo University and international donors, including the European Union, the Institute for Integrated Seed Sector Development (ISSD), and Sustainable Development (ISD). Additionally, he has provided consultancy services in collaboration with the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and other private consultants, focusing on flood impact, migration, and agricultural value chain analysis. His research interests encompass the analysis of agricultural technologies and innovation, rural livelihoods and food security, rural institutions, gender and youth studies, land administration, and sustainable food systems. He has authored over eight research articles published in reputable journals, employing mixed research design approaches with due consideration of the research context. Asrat has been awarded more than 10 scholarships and research grants from diverse national and international organizations.
In 2024 Asrat was selected as PhD candidate in the GROW programme. His project focuses on exploring and analysing frugal innovations in the farming systems of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (EOTC) monasteries.