Mini-grid database and mini-grid status in case study countries
Drawing from the previous work of the partners (particularly ECREEE and TaTEDO), and other organisations, in mapping mini-grids in our 4 target countries, the team intends to build a mini-grids database to record technical, financial, socio-economic, governance, and environmental information for further analysis. From this database, the team will identify and select a sample of mini-grids, considering among others their technology use, location, ownership, organisation set up, for a detailed study. Relevant information on the status of these mini-grids, their performance and impact on the society will be collected through an extensive fieldwork.
The country teams will undertake visits to selected mini-grid sites and carry out semi-structured qualitative interviews of the operators, user groups, local government departments, and other relevant stakeholders. In addition, to understand the national policies, business environment, risks and potentials for mini-grids, stakeholders at the national level (government departments, utilities, distribution companies, electricity regulator, development finance institutions, industry, investors, civil society, academic experts, etc.) will be interviewed.
The data collection will be designed to collect information for WP3, WP4 and WP5 but options will be retained for additional inputs as part of those work packages as well. Ethical approval procedure for research projects as used in DMU will be followed.
The outputs from this work activity will include:
a) Mini-grids database structure (D4, 9th Month);
b) Mini-grid status report (D5, 18 month);
c) Open access Mini-grid database for our 4 target countries (D6, 30th month).
ECREEE leads this working package.